HS Code 87042291 - new diesel goods vehicles

Motor vehicles for the transport of goods, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine "diesel or semi-diesel", of a gross vehicle weight > 5 t but <= 20 t, new (excl. dumpers for off-highway use of subheading 870410, special purpose motor vehicles of heading 8705 and special motor vehicles for the transport of highly radioactive materials)

Examples (No official information or warranty)

- New diesel-powered truck for transporting goods, gross vehicle weight of 6.5 tonnes, compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine
- New semi-diesel commercial van, gross vehicle weight of 12 tonnes, designed for cargo transport
- New diesel-engine lorry, gross vehicle weight of 18 tonnes, equipped with compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine
- New diesel-fueled delivery vehicle, gross vehicle weight of 8 tonnes, used exclusively for goods transport
- New semi-diesel utility truck, gross vehicle weight of 15 tonnes, compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine
- New diesel-powered freight vehicle, gross vehicle weight of 10 tonnes, designed for long-haul transport

Code Tree Structure / Hierarchy

    8704 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods Other, with only compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) 870422 Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tonnes but not exceeding 20 tonnes Other 87042291 New 87042299 Used

Trade restrictions and policies

Chapter 87
51 Trade restrictions and policies
Position 8704
25 Trade restrictions and policies
Subheading 870422
12 Trade restrictions and policies
Customs Tariff Number 87042291
Third country duty
Regulation 2658/87
North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (KP)
Import control on restricted goods and technologies
Regulation 1509/17
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)
Import control on restricted goods and technologies
Regulation 0267/12
Canada (CA)
Tariff preference
Decision 0037/17
EU-Canada agreement: re-imported goods (1006)
Tariff preference
Decision 0037/17
GSP - General arrangements (2020)
Tariff preference
Regulation 0978/12
Ukraine (UA)
Tariff preference
Decision 0295/14
Singapore (SG)
Tariff preference
Decision 1875/19
Viet Nam (VN)
Tariff preference
Decision 0753/20
Japan (JP)
Tariff preference
Decision 1907/18
North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) (KP)
Export control on restricted goods and technologies
Regulation 1509/17
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)
Restriction on export
Regulation 0267/12
Russian Federation (RU)
Export control
Regulation 0833/14
All third countries (1008)
Export authorization (Dual use)
Regulation 2547/24
Belarus (BY)
Export control
Regulation 0765/06

Changes to this tariff number

Changes based from 87042291
2021: 87042291
2022: 87042291
2021: 87042291
2022: 87044291

Changes in favor of 87042291
2021: 87042291
2022: 87042291