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HS Code 94069090 - Prefabricated buildings of other materials
Prefabricated buildings, whether or not complete or already assembled (excl. mobile homes and those made entirely or mainly of wood, iron or steel)
Examples (No official information or warranty)
- Of plastic materials, such as PVC or polyester, weighing less than 20 kg
- Made of fibreglass, with dimensions 10m x 5m x 3m, used as a storage unit
- Constructed from bamboo and having a floor area of 50 sqm
- Composed of a combination of textiles and ceramics, designed as a temporary office building
- Made entirely of concrete, measuring 15m in length and 4m in width
- Consisting of a mixture of recycled materials, used as a temporary residence
- Made of fibreglass, with dimensions 10m x 5m x 3m, used as a storage unit
- Constructed from bamboo and having a floor area of 50 sqm
- Composed of a combination of textiles and ceramics, designed as a temporary office building
- Made entirely of concrete, measuring 15m in length and 4m in width
- Consisting of a mixture of recycled materials, used as a temporary residence
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Trade restrictions and policies
Chapter 94
53 Trade restrictions and policies
Position 9406
21 Trade restrictions and policies
Subheading 940690
1 Trade restrictions and policies
Customs Tariff Number 94069090
Import prohibition on goods for torture and repression
Regulation 0125/19
All third countries (1008)
Goods for torture and repression, export prohibition
Regulation 0125/19
Changes to this tariff number
Changes in favor of 94069090